
Garden News
Seedlings of pumpkins, zucchinis, tomatoes, sunflowers are in, the longer growth crops of garlic and leek are looking ready to harvest as the season turns, and the last of our winter greens like kale and spinach are now finishing up.
Early strawberries have been picked and eaten by the school-hat-full, really! The petunias planted with the reception class are flowering now, and our RUOK? day sunflower seeds have turned into strong small plants, reminding us to keep checking in with ourselves, and others, to see how we are travelling with our wellbeing.
Seed potatoes from our own harvest are back in the ground and are already poking through the surface.
We welcome the pollinators like bees to our onion flowers, they look after the successful pollination of our fruit trees and vegetables - just like our sign says - 'Everyone is welcome in the Green Space'!

Junior Primary News
In Year 1/2 writing, we have been learning about animal information reports. We have learnt that information reports give facts that can be proven and they provide lots of different information about a particular animal that we can categorise into appearance, diet, habitat, dynamics and more. This week the students have explored an animal of their choice and have collected information using a book on their iPads. Next week, we very much look forward to our excursion visiting Peg's Place and gathering information while we visit and interact with the farm animals.

Literacy Coaching
I take the Yr. 5/6/7 students who have completed all Spelling levels, on 2 mornings a week, for our extension work, in a group of 7 students. We call ourselves the Round Table Writers Group. We have recently completed work on Exposition Writing, where each student had to complete an essay to convince the reader that shopping in the local community was a good idea.
The first student to complete the task was Tahlei. Read her article and see what you think. Are you convinced?
Mandy Thompson

RE News
Welcome back to school for the final term of 2023. This term will be a busy one, as it always is. Filled with lots of school, sports and social events as well as a busy time for our community with Harvest starting and Christmas thrown in at the end. It is easy to get caught up in the chaos of it all and find yourself absolutely exhausted and mentally and physically drained. My hope is that somehow this year, you are all able to find a balance of doing enough or what’s needed and also not trying to do it all! A tricky skill to master.
All that being said, next week we celebrate two important feast days in the life of the Church. All Saints day on November 1 and All Souls day on November 2. We will be having our last whole school mass on All Souls Day, 9:15am in the Church. We are very fortunate to have Fr Anthoni Adimai back to celebrate mass for us and look forward to seeing as many parents and friends there as possible.
Have a great week,
Miriam Honner
Reception News
In our Religion learning, the Reception students have been reflecting on experiences of waiting for something special and recalling the preparations for these special events. For this activity, students worked in small groups, and each group was given a special occasion. We discussed the special events of Christmas, Easter, Birthdays and the First Day of School. In their groups, they needed to brainstorm and create a list of preparations for each special occasion. Through this activity, students explore anticipation, planning, and excitement and connect these aspects to Advent as we await the birth of Jesus.