
Junior Primary News
Last week, we celebrated Harmony Day! On this day, the Year 1/2 class engaged in a variety of learning experiences that explored cultural diversity and promoted inclusiveness. They especially liked spending time in the Harmony Hall which had many interactive activities. Students learnt through these activities that we all belong 🧡
Principal's Report
Dear Families,
This fortnight has flown by, and we have so much to be grateful for.
As a community we have celebrated such events as Interschools Athletics Carnival, where 22 students represented themselves, families and the school with respect, courage, and dignity. Overall, we achieved an amazing fourth place. In addition, we had Henry Bryan, Leo Honner and Patrick Johnson represent our school in the Secondary schools Interschool Day.
Congratulations to Henry who has been selected to represent the YP team in Adelaide on April 3rd in the 100m and Relay team. Good luck Henry!
We have also been fortunate to have Andrew Beck from Athletics Australia deliver an athletics program, which tied in nicely with sports Day and Interschools. Andrew is one of the highest qualified Sprints, Hurdles and Relay coaches in South Australia. With National athletes in his squad, he took time to spend the week with each class sharing his knowledge.
As a Catholic school, celebrating Harmony Day is vital to uphold the teachings of love, tolerance, and inclusion. Embracing diversity reflects the message the Josephite tradition “In all things Love”. It reinforces our commitment to fostering understanding, respect, and unity among all people, regardless of backgrounds or beliefs. The students lead by staff engaged in numerous, fun activities and wore a splash of orange as a sign of respect.
Next week we have Parent/teacher Interviews. I encourage all families to make an appointment to meet their child’s teacher/s and discuss their progress so far. If you cannot make the times allocated, please contact your child’s teacher directly to make an additional time to formally meet.
Last night we held the School Board’s AGM which saw Simone Rowe step down after six years of service. I would like to thank Simone for her dedication as a volunteer to our school.
Finally, we are fast approaching the end of a very busy, but enjoyable first term. We have reached the end of Lent, and we turn our thoughts to Easter, which is the pivotal part of our Catholic faith. For us as a Catholic Community, Easter represents a time of both sorrow and hope with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Easter is truly a time of celebration!
I hope families have time to take part in the Easter ceremonies in their local area and enjoy some restful time together sharing joyful family moments over the Easter break.
Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Easter filled with peace and joy.
Luke Buchanan

RE News
Today is Holy Thursday and we remember and commemorate when Jesus held the Last Supper with his Apostles. Today’s solemnity hinges on three important elements, the call to be of service to others, the institution of the Priesthood and the institution of the Holy Eucharist. Mass tonight will be held at St Columba’s at 8pm and all are welcome to attend. Tomorrow is the most sombre and holy of days in the Christian calendar when we remember when Jesus suffered and died for us, you and me. I encourage you to take the time to ponder this truth tomorrow and if you can join our parish for the Good Friday service at Minlaton Catholic Church, St Malachy at 3pm. The Holy Triduum (the three days prior to Easter) ends with the biggest celebration in the liturgical calendar, the Easter Vigil. Again you are all very much welcome to come along for this special mass at St Columba’s at 7:30pm.
I hope this Easter you are able to feel the love of God around you. That you see His love in action through friends and family, through nature, through the joy you see in our children as the gorge themselves on chocolate eggs 😊. It is a wonderful thing that even thought Lent is a long 40 days of penance and fasting, Easter is longer, 50 days. The Lord calls us to feast and celebrate for all of them, embracing His love, peace and joy!!
Finally, on Thursday April 11 we will be holding a whole school mass at 9:15am. Please come along to celebrate this season with us.
God Bless,
Miriam Honner
Senior Primary News
St Joseph’s Feast Day
Last week we moved our St Joseph statue into a new special spot next to our welcoming entrance of St Columba’s Memorial School. We spent time cleaning the statue and reflecting on the work of St Joseph.

Project Compassion
Can you please return your Project Compassion donation boxes by the end of Term.
We will also be having a casual day on the last day of term to raise money for Project Compassion so can students please bring a gold coin donation.
Thank you

Garden News
The change of seasons has seen us busy making preparations for the next round of vegetable crops. We've been working in groups to prep the soil in our potato patch, planting tiny herb seeds, making sure our garlic patch is regularly watered, keeping weeds at bay, inspecting the mandarin growth and harvesting the very last of summer crops - we've enjoyed eating the last few apples, dug some late potatoes and still have lovely rhubarb and pumpkins on the vines.
The reception class has visited this week with a focus on insects, their role in the garden and where they like to live. We are building a 'bug hotel' this week to encourage bugs into the green space.
We have a brand new weather vane in the space and it looks AMAZING! Please do head on down and have a look at it sitting proudly on the fence near the garden. We were fortunate to receive funding via the Landscape Board grant for this project.
We have also made some relish from our summer crop of tomatoes - delicious!

Spanish News
Felices Pascuas
In Spanish the Receptions learnt some Easter words in a song and made un pollito.
Pascua =Easter
Huevo= egg
Canasta = basket
Conejo = rabbit

Upper Primary News
This term, the Year 5 class have been learning about persuasive writing and how to write a persuasive text. They have been learning how to use persuasive language and devices in their writing. One of the tasks the Year 5s had to complete was to write a persuasive letter to Mr Buchanan about something they wanted to change about school. Mr Buchanan replied to their letters with questions or comments about their chosen topic. Well done!

Middle Primary News
The Year 3/4s have had a wonderful week of Athletic training and experience.
Our Athletic training coach was called Andrew. He teaches for Athletics Australia and having his guidance and knowledge to help our students prior to Interschool has been very beneficial.
It was great to learn and practise new skills and improve our standard of participation.