Reception News
The Reception class has been busy learning about weight. For this activity, we experimented with various objects and placed them on balancing scales to determine which objects were lighter or heavier than the other. Students identified that when an object is heavy, the scale tilts down to the ground, and when it is light, it tilts towards the ceiling.
Spanish News
Barcelona is a city in the north of Spain, in the region of Catalonia. People who live here are very proud and independent people, who would like to be considered separate from other parts of Spain. Their language is even different, even though they are still Spanish people. As an example, in Madrid Spanish, which we teach at St. Columba’s, the word for school is ‘La escuela’. In Catalan Spanish it is ‘La escola’. Here is another word, lunch in Spanish is ‘el almuerzo’. In Catalan it is ‘el dinar’.
There are many famous places to see in Barcelona. One of the most well known is a famous cathedral called The Holy Family, or ‘La Sagrada Familia’. The building was designed by an architect called Antoni Gaudi in 1882, and is still being built today.
Child Protection
Each year we are required to make parents and caregivers aware of the policies in place that help govern the safety of children.
- Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy (Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide) or
- Catholic Diocese of Port Pirie Child Safeguarding Policy
- Responding to Online Safety incidents in South Australian schools: Guidelines for staff working in education settings
- Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for educators (Department for Education SA)
Go to Documents and resources
Please contact Scott March if you have any questions.
Reception News
Over the past two weeks the Reception class have been learning about measurement. One of the measurement activities they completed was measuring the length of their feet. They used their mathematical thinking and worked out how many cubes long their foot was. We discussed as a class and compared each other's sizes to see who had the shortest and the longest foot in the class.
Library News
What a wonderful Book week we had with the children!
Taking to the catwalk to show their costumes, followed by our traditional walk down the Main Street and this year we ventured pass the Kindergarten to share Book Week with them.
The children have been so excited with our Bookfair I have decided to extend it by another week, till Friday 9th of September. So if you haven’t had a chance to call into the Library, we would love to see you next week!
Catholic Schools Music Festival
Last week, the Year 5/6 Choir travelled to Adelaide for a combined rehearsal.
Our choir is part of the Catholic Schools Music Festival performance at the Festival Theatre on Thursday, September 29.
We are looking forward to the big night and hope to see you all there!
Middle Primary News
The 3/4 Class had a wonderful Book Day.
We celebrated our favourite books by dressing up and parading our costumes!
Home Economics - Thank You!
A big thank you to Kath Slade, Chantel Wilde, Emily Dodd, Jo Forbes & Katie Hughes for their recent donations of equipment for the Home Ec space. Such donations have allowed us to deliver an outstanding Home Economics program to our Middle and Senior Primary classes and are greatly appreciated!
Senior Primary News
In week 4, our 5/6/7 class embarked on their annual camp. Students travelled to and explored the south-east of the state, including, Naracoorte Caves, The Blue Lake, Umperston Sink Hole, The Bend Motor Park, Whispering Wall, Monarto Zoo and most importantly, Penola. Penola is the home of St Mary MacKillop's first school and where the dream to make a Catholic education accessible for all began. Penola was such an amazing experience for our students. They were able to immerse themselves into the life of Saint Mary MacKillop, Australia's first Saint and someone they have learnt a lot about whilst at SCMS. Students explored the site of her very first stable school and had the opportunity to walk through the original schoolhouse, which was built because of growing numbers at the stable. This camp was packed with exciting activities and learning opportunities that our students will remember for the rest of their life.